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F1bb Goldendoodle
Beatrix of obx doodles is a silver beige f1bb goldendoodle female

Pedigree info

If you wish to see registrations or pedigrees for any of our moms just ask and we will be happy to show you on puppy pick up day!

Size, coat, & color info

Beatrix is a standard f1bb silver beige goldendoodle. She has our original starting bloodlines since her sire is our Captain. Her dam is Hope. She has the silvering in her coat just like both of her parents. Beatrix will breed in late 2022 or early 2023. Stud to be determined.

Personality & temperament

It has been fun to watch Beatrix grow. Her coat has lightened to a gorgeous silver beige. She is 50lbs of gorgeous fluff. Beatrix lives in a multigenerational home and her BFF in the home is her brother Pilot, also an OBX Doodle. She loves to smile and show her pearly whites. (She gets that from her retired OBX Doodles mom Hope.) She loves to run, hop, and play outside. Beatrix also enjoys being pampered at her routine grooming appointments. She is quite the beauty.

Home life

She lives in her guardian home with other OBX Doodles brother Pilot and the Rutter family.

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