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F2b Goldendoodle
Juniper of obx doodles is a silver f2b goldendoodle female

Pedigree info

If you wish to see registrations or pedigrees for any of our moms just ask and we will be happy to show you on puppy pick up day!

Size, coat, & color info

Juniper is a F2b goldendoodle from our Jasmine and Winston. She will be on the larger size and at least 70lbs full grown.

Personality & temperament

Juniper is so quirky! She is quite the diva and often rocks a variety of fancy collars and bows in her hair. She loves to "swim" (float) in her pool. She has a very big deep bark but would likely just lick you to death. She is the largest mom in our program.

Home life

She currently lives in her guardian home with the Oliver family.

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