F1 Bernedoodle
Pedigree info
If you wish to see registrations or pedigrees for any of our moms just ask and we will be happy to show you on puppy pick up day!
Size, coat, & color info
Penelope is a standard f1 bernedoodle from Morrissey and Ariel. She is a traditional tri with a more Bernese-like coat and blocky build. We estimate her weight to be 70+lbs adult. She will begin breeding in 2023. Current sire will be our moyen poodle Mateo. Together they will produce f1b standard bernedoodles.
Personality & temperament
Nellie has a sweet disposition and is very gentle. She loves attention and will gently lay her head in your lap if she feels like you need to pay her more attention. She is a moderately energetic dog but usually tires pretty quickly and enjoys naps on the couch for most of the late afternoons. She is playful and loves to fetch or chase. She is really good with small children, the family two year old uses her as a pillow. She is great with other dogs. Nellie doesn't know what a stranger is and has never met someone she didn't like. She is very smart and obedient. She is the perfect dog for kids and is going to make a wonderful mother.
Home life
Penelope lives in her guardian home with the Simpson family.