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F1 Bernedoodle
Penny of obx doodles is a tri color f1 bernedoodle female

Pedigree info

If you wish to see registrations or pedigrees for any of our moms just ask and we will be happy to show you on puppy pick up day!

Size, coat, & color info

Penny is a standard F1 bernedoodle from our Morrissey and Ariel litter. She will be bred in 2023 for bernedoodles.

Personality & temperament

Penny is 75lbs of pure joy. She loves to be around people and her Doodle siblings and can usually be found with a squeaky toy in her mouth looking to play tug or fetch. Penny is the best of both worlds: she can be super high energy and run around outside like a nut, chasing her human and canine family around the yard; she can also be the most chill puppy and loves long naps on the couch, belly up, legs entangled with another pup. Penny’s personality is a combination of loving and cuddly (she has no idea that she’s not puppy-sized anymore), playful and goofy, and super smart. Her ability to learn new skills is pretty amazing…she potty trained herself by watching her two canine siblings! In the evenings she finds a spot on the couch in the middle of everyone and loves watching Survivor, nudging whoever is next to her with her nose when she wants more snuggles. Penny is a very social dog and loves to go for walks in Colonial Williamsburg where she makes friends with adults, kids and other dogs…she has unlimited patience with young children and will sit and let them pet her for a treat. Penny loves to visit the high school where her guardian mom works and has become the unofficial mascot, visiting classrooms, attending sporting events and marching in parades! While Penny will do anything for a treat, she is intrinsically a people pleaser…she responds well to praise and looks for approval. Her favorite treats are anything with peanut butter and pumpkin!

Home life

She lives in her guardian home with the DiPaola family and other OBX Doodle Bella from our Jaxx/Bailey litter.

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