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F1bb Goldendoodle
Scarlett of obx doodles is a cream f1bb goldendoodle female

Pedigree info

If you wish to see registrations or pedigrees for any of our moms just ask and we will be happy to show you on puppy pick up day!

Size, coat, & color info

Scarlett is a standard f1bb goldendoodle from Atari and cream Molly. She is an apricot parti and carries red.

Personality & temperament

Scarlett starts her day by hopping up on her mom's bed to give her a hug. She loves to chase squirrels and play with her 9lb maltipoo brother. She is very gentle. Scarlett can sometimes be a picky eater but loves people food. She loves to play but when done she will relax on the recliner or the back of the couch, She is very calm and observant and likes to keep track of the humans at all times. She lays outside the children's doors at night to keep them safe.

Home life

Scarlett lives in her guardian home with the Shelton family.

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