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Maisy of obx doodles is a phantom merle goldendoodle female

Pedigree info

If you wish to see registrations or pedigrees for any of our moms just ask and we will be happy to show you on puppy pick up day!

Size, coat, & color info

Maisy is a standard multgien goldendoodle from our Bucky and Juniper litter. She is a phantom merle and is a third generation from our favorite original Winston and Jasmine bloodlines. We plan to breed her for standard sized goldendoodles in 2023 with our Riptide.

Personality & temperament

She's also called "Pretty" and "Crazy Maisy" by her family. She absolutely loves the outdoors no matter the weather, car rides, and a good game of fetch. Maisy adores her humans and fur brother. She’s very affectionate and loves giving hugs by standing on her hind legs and putting her arms around you. And she's great at snuggling. She’s going to be the best mama!

Home life

Maisy lives in her guardian home with the Wallace family and visits her littermate sister Lilah often since they live only 5 minutes apart.

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